Machiya 町屋

Machiya are traditional wooden townhouses found throughout Japan. The word "machiya" is written using two kanji: "machi" (町) meaning "town", and "ya"  (屋) meaning “shop". 

Machiya Australia is made up of sustainably-minded, urban retreats inspired by East Asian Therapies and the simplified traditional offering of working/treating from home. 

Our Machiya locations are both a family home and urban clinic space. We exist as a place of community, a space for exchange, for learning, sharing and healing for all who walk through its doors.


Our light-filled studios exist to inspire the sharing of Eastern therapies, mindful movement and thoughtful education.  Shiatsu practitioner, TCM-Doctor-in-training and yoga teachers, Aleisha and Patch, designed their studios, attached to their homes, as an environment of support and nourishment. 

Visit our studios where we welcome you softly to gain from our restorative offerings of mindful movement and Eastern therapies. Our aim is to stimulate and support the process of natural self-healing, well-being and personal growth; our studios striving to provide the body and mind with aid and encouragement to find homeostasis.

Click here to find out more about our current therapeutic offerings.

Our Vision

Machiya exists to inspire ‘a way of life’. Built on a common ethos of shared ideas. Not for individual gain but rather for community growth, connection and education.